Feed The Roots... Not The Leaves.

I am very far away (I'm Autistic)

I'm with you on the same table, but I do not enjoy with you ..

You Are Here In Cedra Center

I'll Be Better With Cedra Center

I can't be with you now

I will go to cedra center, where I get help and come back to play together

Speech Therapy

Teach Me To Speak ....

Let's Learn Alphabet

I Learn Alphabet ... To Be Ready To Go To School

I'm From Love Syndrome "Down Syndrome"

I look Smart .. Do You Agree With Me ??

Cedra Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation

Cedra Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation was established in 2006 with a license from the Ministry of Community Development - Dubai No 2006 – 20. We are distinguished by providing our services using the best programs after undergoing training in them and conducting multi-level diagnostic assessment using multiple tests .

our sections

Evaluation and Diagnosis Department

1. Evaluation and Diagnosis Department:

In this section we are working to receive cases from different ages starting from two years to 15 years, where the psychologist receives the situation by interviewing the parents using special forms that include questions about the circumstances of the development of the condition from the beginning of pregnancy to the present from all aspects of development (evolutionary- medical- linguistic - socio-psychological - academic) and the nature of the problem to be assessed, to obtain the full history of the case.

Based on the information collected through the interview with the parents, the psychologist determines the types of assessments needed, and then works to form a team of specialists who will conduct the evaluation .

The initial phase of the evaluation includes the use of:

Diagnostic interview with parents
IQ measures (Bient Intelligence Scale , Wechsler Intelligence scale ..... etc.)
Vinelands Adaptive Behavior Scale
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition.(DSM-5)

The second phase of the evaluation includes (as needed) the use of one of the following metrics:

Behavior Assessment System For Children ,Third Edition (BASC-3) Scale.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (Ados-2)
Dyslaxia Screening Test Secondary (DST-S)
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update KABC-II NU
Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders for Children ( SCAN-3:C)

The third phase of the evaluation:

includes the analysis and formulation of the results in a report carrying all the results produced by the tests that were applied to the case and then discussed with the parents.

Phase 4 :

Includes meeting with the Executive Department to discuss the results of the evaluations that have been subjected to the case and to develop a treatment plan for the case after joining the center.

Consulting Services

Specialists in this department provide advice to parents in all aspects related to the rehabilitation process, through monthly sessions during which the developments of treatment and answer the questions of the parents to help them solve all problems that stand in the way of generalizing the results of rehabilitation at home and school, and also the specialists are keen to answer the questions recorded by the parents in the child's notebook, which constitutes a daily method of communication between the specialist and parents, it is worth mentioning here that this method of communication with the parents Positive results have been shown that supported rehabilitation at all stages. One of the most important consultations received in this section is how to deal with troubled behaviors that may suddenly appear at home and parents are unable to deal with them, or behaviors that appear in school and complain about teachers and prevent the learning process, and sometimes the school and teachers are contacted to introduce them to certain strategies they have to follow with the child to help him get rid of bad behaviors, as well as happen with the parents in training them in the strategies necessary to control their children’s disturbing behaviors.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ( CBT )

In this section, work is done to observe the troubled behaviors that parents talk about and hinder the daily life of their child (hyperactivity - poor concentration and distraction - aggressive behaviors - fear - anxiety from school - rejection of orders ...... Etc.) and develop a treatment plan to reduce the severity of these behaviors using several strategies, the most important of which is direct observation and putting the child in different positions that allow him to issue these behaviors and then work to treat them and get rid of them, as this section works to develop thinking skills and solve problems using various programs such as (Corte Program for Creative Thinking).

Within the procedures of this treatment, we involve parents and child care providers in the treatment plan, so we arrange the home environment from all aspects (psychological - socio-health - daily routine), and then work to build a healthy and balanced personality for this child.

The Listening Program Therapy (TLP)

The Listening Program® is not like any music you’ve heard before. It’s more than music. It’s music that works—to improve your mental, physical, and emotional health.
All TLP music has been painstakingly recorded and engineered and features performances by world-class musicians including the award-winning Arcangelos Chamber Ensemble (under the musical direction of Richard Lawrence) and composer and master ethno-percussionist Nacho Arimany, among others.
Using the highest audio quality recording technology (high-definition sound) and advanced neuro-acoustic techniques, TLP music has been acoustically modified to train your brain. It strengthens neurological pathways so you can improve your ability to learn, communicate, and process information.
TLP can benefit most anyone, and applications are wide ranging, from rehabilitation to wellness and peak performance. TLP can be used in schools, hospitals, therapy clinics, assisted living facilities, companies, athletic and music programs, in homes, and on military bases—and more.

Focus & Attention Problems (Play Attention)

Developing focus skills and treating distraction:

In this section to help cases with poor concentration and not having a proper attention span for learning, we chose Play Attention , a 6-game electronic games for children and adolescents aimed at treating brain weaknesses that prevent them from pursuing the learning process , The following six games are the cognitive skill activities that come standard with Play Attention. Each game targets a separate cognitive skill that is typically difficult for people with attention problems. This helps build sound Executive Function , Attention Stamina will teach you how to direct and sustain your attention , This will help you develop your ability to pay attention to low stimuli activity for longer periods of time.


Visual Tracking will teach you how to maintain your attention while visually tracking a randomly moving object or person , This will help you pay attention to your teacher's lesson while he/she is walking around the room .


Time on Task This exercise teaches a student to begin an activity quickly, and stay focused on that activity until it is finished. This is not always easy for an individual who struggles with attention .


Discriminatory processing will teach you how to take in different bits of information and recognize what is important and what you can filter.


Short term memory teaches you how to process information (both visual and auditory) and hold that information in short term memory long enough for recall. This will help you develop your ability to remember dates, names, items in a list, and other facts


Finishing tasks is a skill that can be learned by anyone regardless of ADHD/ADD, or other cognitive impairments ,The task may be homework, balancing your checkbook, or even cleaning your room. You can learn to do it in an appropriate amount of time. Sheer Genius will teach you how to do it.

Executive Function / Cognitive Games:


The Auditory Processing exercise develops your ability to follow directions. Your goal is to gradually increase the number of auditory sequences of information you can absorb, process, and carry out. There are 3 different Auditory Processing games available. Each game provides different items and locations based on the game category.

It is a group of exercises with hands, legs and eyes distributed at levels performed by the specialist and the child starting with the first level which begins with a single movement of the hands without verbal guidance only imitating the eye and at the same moment, and then the specialist moves to the second level where he makes two movements and the child imitates them at the same moment, and then the movements are complicated to a more complex level, and the specialist can perform Different levels provided that the child can imitate him at the same moment while maintaining his concentration and attention throughout the training period without any distraction so that he can imitate the movements at the same

ABA Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy (ABA) :

-Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a treatment based on learning science and behavior.

Behavior analysis helps us understand:

How behavior works
How behavior is affected by the environment
How to learn
This treatment works to understand how behavior works in real situations. A large number of learners have helped acquire different skills from healthy lifestyles and learn a new language.

ABA treatment programs can help:

Increase language and communication skills in children who appear to be late in producing the language at the right age or have speech disorders.
Improving attention, focus, social skills, memory and academic skills in people with poor growth in these aspects.
Reduce bad behaviors that appear during learning, social interaction, or communication in different environments.
Applied behavioral analysis is a flexible treatment that includes many techniques for understanding and changing behavior using a range of strategies :

Can be adapted to meet the needs of each person different from the other.
This treatment is provided in many different locations - at home, at school and in the community
Teaches useful skills in everyday life.
It can involve individual or collective familiarity.
It includes many strategies that are allowed to be used in the right situations to help people learn shortly and easily without the need for negative actions or unwanted methods, with the importance of these strategies in eliminating or reducing negative behaviors.
At our center, specialists who have obtained a technical license for applied behavioral analysis from BACB ( American Bored ) as (Registered Behavior Technician RBT ) are working on the use of the strategies of this treatment in building treatment plans that are based on programs that allow the use of these strategies such as( VB-MAPP-ABLLIS - PEAK ....etc) this is what makes us able to help all cases that join our center and from different disorders, as we work to generalize the results at home and school according to the most important strategy in this treatment which is (generalization strategy) which The impact of training is transferred to different places to ensure that the results of the qualification are generalized.

Speech & Language Therapy

This department works in the treatment of language disorders and speech problems, the most important of these disorders:

Language Delay
Pragmatic Language Disorder
Stuttering Disorder
Loss of language caused by accidents and strokes
Global Developmental Delay
Hearing Impairment
Speech Sound Disorders , Articulation and Phonology
Swallowing Problems
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
In this section we use a set of tests to assess linguistic growth, speech problems, voice defects and problems, and the speech and language specialist determines the linguistic age of children compared to the time age, on the other hand the specialist works to write a report containing the aspects assessed during the evaluation session and the results of the tests applied as well as the recommendations for the treatment plan in this section.

The speech and language specialist who has sufficient experience and qualified to evaluate and develop the treatment plan using the most important new programs in the development of linguistic growth and addressing speech problems, and in our center we excel using the Device Forbrain , which is a headset placed on the facial bones under the ears works to purify the sound and during which the child/adult can hear his voice clearly so that he can imitate the phonies and words that the specialist works to train on, and we use TalkTools, a toolkit It uses evidence-based practices to address oral motor disability that affects speech clarity, feeding and sensory skills. Of course, there is a program that the speech therapist needs to train to use these tools to help the treatment plan.

The center also includes the department of pronunciation and language for children includes a section for adults, especially post-accident injuries, strokes and speech diseases such as stuttering, speech bead and sound disorders, where we worked to equip a place suitable for these ages and characterized by a comfortable and calm atmosphere and the presence of sensory, tattoo, touch, visual and auditory stimuli that help the patient to perform the required exercises easily according to his condition.

Special Education Skills

This section works on several axes:

Assessing and diagnosing learning problems and learning-related disorders. The most important are applying:

- Perception Scales (auditory perception - visual perception - sequential auditory and auditory memory)
- Learning Difficulties Disorder Tests (specific learning disorder) using a set of tests such as:
- Zayat Battery to diagnose learning difficulties.
- Illinois Scale of linguistic self-abilities.
- Michael Best's Scale of Learning Difficulties
- The measure of readiness to enter the school.
-Evaluation based on the fifth statistical diagnostic manual for mental disorders (DSM-5)
- This section also writes the case assessment report after the use of appropriate tests, and then builds appropriate treatment plans for these cases, and of course not only this, it is the responsibility of this department to qualify cases that are converted from the psychological section as conditions (slow learning - delayed study - decrease in mental abilities - mental disorders that need to develop cognitive skills and academic skills in learning - and control negative behaviors associated with the learning situation).

In this section, we use applied behavioral analysis strategies (ABA Therapy) in the treatment of cognitive and learning skills in addition to having a range of systematic programs to develop literacy and mathematics skills.

- We also in this department do group therapy to create a classroom environment in which goals are developed to serve the training of children in readiness for classroom routine in school and how to respond to classroom instructions in the performance of academic skills and develop the skill of focus while in a mini-classroom, and reduce distraction while in a mini-classroom in preparation for joining the regular class in school with a large group of peers, on the other hand is helped through this type of treatment Children get rid of behaviors that appear while in school and when receiving educational tasks.

Social Communication Therapy

We work here to evaluate the skills of independent play, team play and social networking skills (greetings, welcoming and identifying others - permission when entering a place or wanting to ask for something or help - apology when making a mistake - waiting for the role in the conversation and not interrupting others - sharing games and tools - establishing friendships and how to keep friends - how to talk to adults and use the skills of communicating over the phone - Expressing feelings and emotions in different situations, expressing opinions in different topics and attitudes using group therapy where different programs are used, the most important of which is (Psychodramatic Therapy) which the psychologist works to equip a systematic program for a group of children or adolescents according to goals that serve their weaknesses and then circulate the results in different environments with the help of parents so that the impact of training moves to different environments.

Sensory Therapy

- Here we work to activate all the senses that must work with full sensory integration with the motor part to perform all cognitive skills in other sections that are interested in learning and perception and perform the skills of visual sensory motor synergy, which in turn helps to realize the things and spaces around us and our relationship with them and how to deal with their existence in an orderly balance that ultimately leads to understanding what things and relationships they have and how our bodies respond to them and realize their nature and need for them such as:

The texture of different things and our sense of this contact to be used in different uses.
Identify things through their functional qualities which helps to use them properly.
Understanding the relationships between things in the right place and time.
Strengthening the delicate and large muscles to help apply learning skills from writing, coloring, dismantling, installing and building models to realize what they are and employ them in our lives.
Identifying things and their opposites to build proper relationships in their association with each other and our need for these relationships to build an integrated understanding of what frustrates us such as (conformity and classification by shape and function).
Removal and installation procedures , whole and part as higher cognitive concepts that help accept learning and save and classify information correctly for use in everyday life.
Knowledge and awareness of different concepts (large and small - long, short - hot and cold - fast and slow..... etc.).
This section includes a lot of tools and works with a sensory plan commensurate with the state according to age and mental level determined by the measures of intelligence, as well as the use of the sensory room that is equipped to contain a set of tools and special devices considered as sensory effects that provoke the senses and their development.

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